Teenage Ecstasy (MDMA) Use

Teen ecstasy (MDMA) use is a serious problem. This article discusses the effects and consequences of ecstasy use and offers statistics on teenage ecstasy use. Keep reading to learn more about MDMA and speaking to your adolescent about the dangers of ecstasy abuse.

One of the more common drugs in use amongst teenagers is MDMA. MDMA is methylenedioxymethamphatamine, and is probably more familiar to you by the name ecstasy. Street names for ecstasy include XTC, X, Clarity, Adam, and Lover’s Speed. For the most part, MDMA is a club drug. Users prefer to take it at clubs, raves and concerts. The idea is to use the ecstasy to increase the experience with the help of visual and audio distortions caused by the drug. Ecstasy is usually taken orally as a tablet or capsule.

MDMA is most often used by teenagers and by those in their early 20s. These are the folks most likely to be interested in the party scene. Use is becoming increasingly common in metropolitan areas.

Effects of Ecstasy Use

Because teenagers feel that ecstasy can “enhance” the party or club experience, it is a popular drug, with 2.1 million people over the age of 12 using MDMA per year. Some of the effects of ecstasy that make it so popular include:

  • Increased physical energy and buoyancy.
  • Emotional warmth and feelings of expansiveness toward those around you.
  • Increased sensory perception: Touch, sound and sight.
  • Mental stimulation and quick thoughts.

These positive effects wear off after a while, though, and while under the influence of MDMA, judgment is affected by the positive feelings happening. This can lead to unprotected sex, and other difficult consequences.

In addition to the effects of being high, ecstasy also offers a number of other effects that are less than pleasant. Health effects of MDMA include:

  • Muscle cramping.
  • Blurred vision.
  • Sweats.
  • Chills.
  • Teeth clenching.
  • Nausea.
  • Higher blood pressure.
  • Racing heart.
  • Memory impairment with regular use.
  • Rash with long term use.
  • Dependence on MDMA.
  • Withdrawal symptoms if you stop using after a period of regular use.

Used a lot over time, ecstasy can be habit forming, but many teenagers only use MDMA casually. However, that should not be taken to mean that the drug is safe. It is possible to overdose on ecstasy and encounter life threatening situations. Also, in some cases ecstasy can interfere with the way your body regulates temperature, and the results can include over-heating or hypothermia, leading to a potential fatal situation.

Teen Ecstasy Stats

It is important to be aware of some of the teen drug use stats related to MDMA. While ecstasy use has leveled off somewhat (use of MDMA use among high school students has declined), it still remains a concern. Here are stats related to teen ecstasy use:

  • 23% of teenagers know a classmate or friend who has used MDMA, reports the CASA National Servey.
  • Emergency room visits related to MDMA increased 2,000% from 1994 to 2002.
  • Ecstasy can be a gateway drug to other, “harder”, drugs.
  • Ecstasy is less likely to be addressed by parents than other illicit drugs.
  • More than 8 million people over the age of 12 say that they have tried MDMA.

It is important to speak with your teenager about MDMA use. This is because many teenagers cite parental involvement in their lives as one of the main deterrents for drug use. This can include ecstasy. Make sure that you are informed about ecstasy, and talk to your children about avoiding it. Even though it seems harmless enough, the truth is that it can be quite dangerous.

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