Teen Drug Treatment

Teen Drug Treatment is a serious issue. This article talks about the necessary ingredients for teen drug treatment as well as what options are available for drug rehab in teens with a drug abuse problem. Learn what you can do to prevent teen drug use.

It is possible that, at some point, it becomes necessary for you to have someone you love treated for drug abuse. Teen drug treatment is difficult, but it is necessary if you want to help the teenager get off of drugs. Drugs can be harmful to the body now, and can affect future health. Teen drug use is a serious issue, and steps need to be taken in order to help students struggling with drug abuse.

Necessary ingredients for teen drug treatment

Teen drug treatment is not something that can just “happen.” It requires planning and effort. The National Institute of Drug Abuse (NIDA), which is part of the government-funded National Institutes of Health (NIH) offers a number of recommend facets to the treatment of teen drug abuse. Some of these facets include:

  • Mental
  • Physical
  • Social
  • Family
  • Legal

All of these issues need to be addressed in a teen drug treatment plan. Some of the most important aspects of treatment deal with the mental and physical health of the abuser, as well as the family and social aspects. Treatment for mental as well as physical health is important, since there are definite mind-based issues connected with drug use.

Also, it is important that the teenager feel support from family and his or her social network. Providing a loving environment in which the teenager feels as though he or she is getting help, rather than being judged, is vital to a more successful recovery from teen drug abuse.

Options for teen drug treatment

There are different options available for teen drug treatment. There are different programs ranging from the local to the distant, and from out-patient help to residential drug treatment.

Local drug treatment programs. For many teens involved in drug abuse, local programs are often sufficient. Local support groups and 12-step programs can provide direction for a teen drug user, as well as help him or her overcome the addiction. Local programs also have the benefit of family and friends nearby for more support.

Residential treatment programs. In some cases, though, it is necessary for the teenager to get away from local influences that may be preventing his or her growth. In some cases the drug abuse is so severe that it is necessary for a residential treatment program that offers more support to be sought.

These programs are long-term, lasting anywhere from three months to 18 months. They offer teenagers a place to live in a safe environment where their needs can be met as they overcome a serious and difficult drug addiction. In many cases, residential drug treatment programs have medical and psychological staff on hand to help, as well as tutoring so that the teen does not fall behind in school.

Pharmacological drug abuse treatment. There are a few cases where drugs have been developed to help treat substance abuse. Such treatments are often used mainly for opiates, nicotine and alcohol addiction. This is because the physical withdrawal reactions by the body are often harsh and deterring. Drugs such as levo-alpha, methadone and LAAM can help reduce the withdrawal symptoms and gradually help teens overcome addiction.

Preventing teen drug use

The best teen drug treatment, however, is prevention. Helping your teenager avoid drug use and addiction in the first place is the best way to keep substance abuse at bay. However, this requires vigilance and attention from the time that your children are young. It is best to start with a tradition of open communication and involvement in your child’s life before he or she is 10 years old.

Teenagers whose parents are involved in their lives, and who care about them actively, are found most likely to avoid substance abuse. These are teens that know their parents’ expectations and who have been taught that drugs are dangerous and unacceptable.

In some cases, though, not even the best meaning parents can prevent their children from becoming addicted to drugs. In such cases there is little to be done beyond seeking help and showing love and support.

Source: - medicinenet.com

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